Buildings for Your Dreams
We are committed to the fulfillment of your dreams in a professional time and manner and at a price that will amaze you.
We offer multiple presets or can customize your dream.
Personal service, premium lumber and professional, craftsmanship comes standard on every building.
Sheds simplify & declutter your life. Clean your garage, park your lawn mower and empty your closets.
Horse Barns
Our horse barns are perfect for farmettes or adding several stalls to your current facility.
Hobby corner … lounge … man cave … back country hangout … hunting camp … I offer complete interior packages.
Farm fresh eggs the healthy way with quality coops for your farmette or backyard.
Quality Craftsmanship • Affordable Options
We combine premium lumber and craftsmanship in every barn. We have hundreds of options to choose from: think windows, dormers, doors, cupolas, lights, electricity, roof pitch, ridge lights, work benches, shelves, peg boards, etc.
Horse Barns
Our horse barns are an awesome addition to any farmette, from run-ins to full size facilities We offer unlimited options. Think doors, windows, roof style, cupolas, electricity, tack rooms, siding type, water, feeders, hooks, etc.
We offer a premium line of cabins with many designs from modern to rustic. We match your style. There are hundreds of options to choose from. We offer complete interior packages.
Chicken Coops
Buy your last coop first. We have many options to choose from including runs, outside boxes, ramps, windows, doors and lights.